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  • Writer's pictureRebecca

Grape-Nuts O's (1999)

Updated: Oct 22, 2020

Grape-Nuts was never a cereal I was too thrilled about as a kid. My dad would always fill a big bowl, creating a mound of "nuts" surrounded by what resembled a milk moat. He would be crunching away while reading the newspaper, totally in his element. He was one of those freaks that ate them in their raw form - despite the box's suggestion to, "Try them hot!"

I love that 80's Grape-Nuts font. <3

(photo courtesy of

My only interest in this cereal was wondering what the hell they were. Grape...nuts? Did grapes have nuts in them? I knew some had seeds/pits. I remember believing that Grape-Nuts were the seeds of grapes that has been baked. They were hard as rocks, so it wasn't that absurd of a thought for a 4 or 5 year old. I hated fruit, so thinking of any cereal that spawned from a grape was repulsive. It wasn't until years later that I realized there was nothing fruity about these at all. They were simply wheat and barley bits that tasted mildly pleasant covered in Equal packets.

In the late 90's, I remember seeing a new variety of Grape-Nuts on the shelves; Grape-Nuts O's. They were advertised as a, "whole new spin on Grape-Nuts!" The commercial said they were, "light and toasty with a touch of brown sugar" and that they "even surprised the folks here at Post!" Grape-Nuts that don't need to sit in milk for a half-hour or be nuked to death to be enjoyed? I was interested. Also, anything advertised with brown sugar automatically has my attention.

These were delicious, and the texture was amazing! The "O's" themselves were large, as if you combined 5-6 Grape-Nut bits into an "O" shape and topped them in sugar. They were also "puffed", so they were lighter and toastier - true to Post's description.

I don't believe Grape-Nuts O's were were around more than a few years, but I was definitely a fan of them while they lasted (and apparently still am 20 years later).

(photo courtesy of

If you're curious, there are two cereals on the market today, that if combined, could almost resemble the taste (Quaker Oatmeal Squares) & the texture (Special K's Protein Brown Sugar Crunch) these had.

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